Blockchain has quickly become the latest technology to be discussed as the next disruptor of the accounting profession. In this session we will discuss an overview of what blockchain is, how it is used today, how it could be used in the future and why it will matter to you, the CPA. This session is designed for the non-techie CPA who wants to understand blockchain without excessive technical jargon.
Jennifer Wells (Accenture)
"The presenting was really interesting--one of the best webinars I've heard! Very relevant accounting examples to make sense of the technical aspects of the blockchain. I really enjoyed listening."Chad Allen (Hutchins & Haake, LLC)
"Very informative and straightforward explanation on a non-straightforward topic. The examples given were helpful and the presenter was clear, knowledgeable and entertaining."Carolyn Palermo (Carolyn Palermo)
"I enjoyed this webinar and now feel comfortable with my understanding of Blockchain. Byron did a great job in bringing a complex topic to a very understandable level."Cle Royal (Tarrant Small Business Development Center)
"I did not think that it was possible to gain a working understanding in one session about BLOCKCHAIN FUNDAMENTALS. But I did thanks to Instructor Byron Patrick."Mitch Crowe (The Ampersand Company)
"Thank you for the great explanation. Obviously, it is a super-complex topic, but it helped be to have a basic understanding."Ramanik P. Shah (Shah & Company, Ltd.)
"This was an excellent summary and introduction to Block Chain --- Thank you --- I await the follow-up sessions !!!"Lisa SCHNEIDER (Lisa Schneider, CPA)
"Thank you, this is a very interesting seminar! It's blowing my mind, but you've helped me wrap my mind around it!"
The B3 Method Institute
VP of Client Success
(703) 715-4948
He began his career as a public practicing CPA. He eventually embraced his passion for technology and merged it with his experiences in public accounting and transitioned to the IT Director of a multi-office regional CPA firm in the Baltimore, MD area. Learning from the challenges of maintaining the technology for a firm, Byron established Simplified Innovations Inc, a subscription-based IT Dept focused on servicing the needs of CPA Firms, which he successfully exited after 8 years. Later, Byron joined the accounting automation startup Botkeeper and led the build of the post-sales teams from Series A to Series C and ultimately functioned as General Manager/Integrator. Now as the VP, Client Success at The B3 Method Institute, he helps organizational leaders to find their Business, Balance & Bliss while designing the accounting practice they desire that they can build and scale. Byron lives on a small horse farm in Maryland with his future wife, Nikki, and a gaggle of animals, including his dog Trinity. His extremely proud of his accomplished daughters, one a civil engineer and the other a student-athlete at the University of Pittsburgh where Byron regularly cheers on the Women's Lacrosse team, #H2P!